The women behind THE PAUSE

Rachael Hollinger

Eva-Maria Smith

Mother, Postpartum Doula and Chef

Rachael received her associate degree in culinary arts from Kendall college, and is a certified postpartum professional with Newborn Mothers Collective Postpartum Training. She has self-studied nutrition and Ayurveda medicine giving her a full picture of food as medicine.

Rachael works with all kinds of mothers and birthing people to achieve a more peaceful postpartum through food, breast/bottle feeding support, sleep solutions, massage, herbal care, and birth processing.

In addition to working with her clients, Rachael teaches online, and in person workshops, writes and speaks about mother-care, facilitates mothers support groups and gatherings, and is the author of the E-Cookbook NOURIS(her) : using food to heal the new mother.

She lives in Midcoast Maine with her husband and two children where they steward nine acres of forest, skinny dip often, and cook from the garden.

You can follow Rachael here: // @nourisherdoula

Mother and Artist, tending to mothers, words and ceremonies

Eva would like to “sing over your bones” through her writing, her podcast “Milk & Bone”, her photography and by honoring your and your transitions through ceremony 1:1 and through circle work. Wether you find yourself pre-conception, in waiting, about to step through the birth portal, healing your birth experience, grieving, closing doors, or opening new ones, Eva tends to you in these times of transition. As a spaceholoer she processes with you tenderly through listening, reflecting, meaning-making, deep conversation and ritual.

Eva is a certified REIKI II healer and studied embodied breathwork with Sian Pascale of The Light Collective Australia. She is a certified postpartum professional with Newborn Mothers Collective Postpartum Training.

In 2021 she self-published her motherhood memoir “Milk & Coffee Years - Notes on Motherhood”.

The German native currently lives in Oklahoma City with her husband and three children. The nordic soul and coffee lover enjoys long walks, interiors, sauna, authentic conversation, and getting lost in books. She is a fierce advocate for inclusion on behalf of her neurodivergent son.

You can get to know Eva here: // @eva.maria.smith